Cultural Heritage Assessments

Archaeological and Heritage Services

    Archaeological Surveys

    Heritage and Spatial undertake archaeological surveys in accordance with the relevant codes of practice within each state. Archaeological surveys are often required as part of the archaeological assessment process and as part of the process of demonstrating due diligence to prevent impacting upon heritage items. Heritage and Spatial archaeologists are skilled in remote area surveys including wilderness and arid environments.


    As part of the archaeological investigation process Heritage and Spatial undertake research into the Aboriginal culture and history, and the subject area environment, including: landforms, topography, vegetation, soils, geology, and the geomorphological processes. This information is used to inform the archaeological predictive models and for planning and targeting investigation activities.

    Heritage Assessments

    Heritage assessments are required when it has been deemed necessary under legislative requirements to support an application to impact permit, and to support development applications. Heritage and Spatial archaeologists are experienced in undertaking Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments in accordance with the relevant codes of practice and in accordance with the state heritage legislation. We also specialise in undertaking remote area assessments. Comprehensive Heritage Impact Statements, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Reports (ACHAR), and Cultural Heritage Management Plans are produced to inform and support proposed development applications.

Archaeological Survey

    Archaeological Excavation

    Heritage and Spatial archaeologists are experienced in undertaking archaeological excavation, stratigraphic recording, and lithic analysis. Investigations required as a part of heritage assessments may require test and salvage excavation.

    Community Consultation

    Heritage and Spatial respects that Aboriginal people are the knowledge holders and custodians of their culture. Our archaeologists are experienced in undertaking consultation with traditional owners and knowledge holders, and conducting consultation in accordance with the relevant state and territory codes of practice for Aboriginal consultation.
Post Contact Glass Artefact

    Geospatial Mapping

    Heritage and Spatial undertakes geospatial mapping and analysis with a range of tools including Postgres/Postgis, Python, QGIS and R. Common data types used include Shapefiles, LAS, Geojson, and Geotiff. Geospatial modelling and 3D modelling is undertaken for visualisation and to understand trends and predictions, and to inform research. Heritage and Spatial provide GIS services including spatial analysis and the preparation of attractive maps and 3d diagrams for reports and presentations.

    Web GIS

    Geospatial mapping and modelling capabilities can be built into websites using the Django framework integrated with Postgres, R, Python, Ajax, Javascript and HTML. Our web maps help avoid the expensive costs associated subscribed solutions by utilising open source solutions. Our solutions include web based Aboriginal sites recording databases.

    Aerial Imagery

    Aerial imagery with lightweight drones is used to assess landscapes and heritage sites. Image georeferencing is used to produce accurate site plan images of heritage and archaeological sites. Heritage and Spatial undertake drone aerial photography of properties and landscapes within the CASA safety rules and standard operating conditions upon request.