Archaeologists and Heritage Consultants

Heritage and Spatial

Heritage and Spatial Analysis Consultants

What we do

Heritage and Spatial are archaeologists and heritage consultants specialising in Aboriginal cultural heritage assessments, site surveys and recording, historical and archival research, geospatial analysis and mapping, web enabled GIS, predictive modelling and aerial drone photography. We are based in the Blue Mountains in NSW and provide services throughout NSW and in the Western Kimberley Region of Western Australia.

Our Experience

We are experienced in archaeological assessments and heritage studies associated with development projects, including due diligence assessments, Aboriginal cultural heritage assessments and cultural heritage management plans. Studies and assessments are prepared in accordance with the state codes of practice and legislation. We are also experienced in undertaking cultural values studies for traditional owners, community consultation, research, GIS and geospatial analysis including web enabled GIS and maps using the Django framework with Postgres.